Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Too True

We were driving home in the trusty van this afternoon. The children had bored of my flashcard drills..... so bored that they were finally telling me about their days at school.

Quirky has been somewhat interested in this one little girl at school, Ella. He told me at the beginning of the year that he likes "how she has freckles on her face."

Today apparently they had VERY important discussion. It was reported to me like this:

Quirky: "Mom, do you know all of the phone numbers of the moms of my school friends?"

Me: "I have a directory."

Quirky: "I need you to call Ella's mom. She doesn't believe that there are real life pirates anymore. I told her that I don't believe in Justin Bieber. I told her that he's a fairy... I mean fairy tale."

How are kids so danged smart????

1 comment:

  1. He wins. There AE real life pirates and Justin Bieber is a fairy. Smart kid.
